Beyond the Seed
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Are you looking for a simple way to help your struggling children?

Today, children are struggling in epidemic proportions. They require assistance with their basic needs of sleeping, eating and play, they want control, seem anxious, addicted to devices and unhappy. We are struggling to know how to settle this unsettled generation.
Beyond the Seed is an online program developed by renown Family Therapist Nicole Kingston to help you create change in your child's difficult behaviour in four super simple steps.

Sign up now FOR FREE to get immediate access to Beyond the Seed! The first six lessons will explain everything you need to know about why your child is struggling, and what simple steps you can take to change it.

Children are all born with the same capacity to become mentally strong, all we need to do is create the space for them

An introduction to Beyond the Seed

Nicole’s Philosophy

I am in a unique professional position having worked so closely with families in their own homes across many years, with the entire age range (birth to young adults).

Working in this way, I have discovered that the fundamental issues children of all ages face today largely stem from one thing…

Read more about my philosophy

When we give our children this space to struggle, in their very first stages of development, before you even see them bloom, well, that’s when the real magic happens.

Read more about Beyond the Seed
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